
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Give It A Go Day

Yesterday we had a Give It A Go Day we played lots sports like European Handball, Turbo Touch, Rippa Rugby, Futsal and Ultimate Frisbee. We learnt how to play lots of sports. The day was really fun. My favorites were European Handball and Ultimate Frisbee.

Monday 11 April 2016

History of Papakura

In reading we've been learning about the history of Papakura. We learnt about what it was like back then and what we have now compared to then. Then we made a slide show about what we had learnt.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Time management

Our presentation is about time management and what looks like. We made this check list to remind us how to manage our time effectively. We worked in a group to produce a slide each about one of our 5 key points which are, proiritise, timeline, do task, check and initiative. Do you manage your time effectively? Or complete all your tasks within a time frame?

Friday 1 April 2016

Google maps

In maths we have been learning about google maps and how to use it. I have learnt that it shows you all different kinds of transport such as driving, walking, biking and many other things. It shows you the fastest route, the directions to get there, street views and it does the same thing for the whole world.There is an activity to do at the end, it will be really fun. I can't wait for all the feed back.